Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Garmin 010-10725-00 Edge Bike Mount

Garmin 010-10725-00 Edge Bike Mount

weak link

The Garmin mounts break if you tighten them too tight with the zip ties, then you get to buy more. I have bought 4 so far. But I do have a mount on each of my bikes, I love the computer. Mount could be better, but you do not have a choice


Amazon... Once again, congratulations for the good performance on deliverying my order on time. Cheers

Good Addition

I use my Garmin 305 on 3 bikes, and this extra mount kit does exactly what it is supposed to do...hold the GPS on the bike. By the way, I have used these mounts for a year and a half and (knock on wood) have not broken one yet.

Breaks too easily.

I've broken several of these now. The locking tab is very flimsy and will snap off if you bump it the wrong way. Since you have to remove the Edge daily to charge it, the tab is constantly exposed to damage. Unfortunately, there are no alternative mounts.

Edge mounts are designed to break!

I was forced to buy yet another mount for my Edge 305 after the first two broke. The last time this happened my Edge was run over by a car. Garmin finally replaced the unit at a cost of $40 to me, but I am not at all happy with the poor design of the mounting bracket. It can only be explained by a purposeful "built-in-obselescence"-type design. Thanks GARMIN for cheating us consumers and proving your no better than any other manufacturer out there. I want my $40 dollars back and a new bracket than will not put my >$300 dollar investment at risk again!

Keyword : garmin

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